Every time, we humans have faced adversity, we’ve been caught saying the following two phrases quite a lot many times: ‘Everything Happens For A Reason’ or ‘Look At The Brighter Side Of Things’. And yes, somewhere deep down, these expressions have, as a matter of fact, calmed our apprehensions during crucial times. But, when, a catastrophic event of COVID-2019

has befallen upon us, all we could do is, attract ourselves to the negativity that’s been circling around it.

Now, we absolutely agree that this pandemic has affected the whole world adversely, but can we take a moment and truly try to find the brighter side of this specific situation as well? Because of the lockdowns, the whole country has come to a standstill. But, try to analyze the innumerable

times you’d always wanted to get some rest from the constant bustling going on in your life.

How’d you always wanted to take a moment off your busy lives?

And now, when you and I, we are all bestowed upon with such an opportunity, all we could do is crib about the whole situation. All in all, seriously, what are we asked to do, at the extremity, during this quarantine period? STAY AT OUR HOMES! Right? That’s it!

So, why has our perception narrowed down to looking at things from such a pessimistic approach? Now, we’ve actually got the time to channelize our energy towards things we’d always craved to execute!

How’d we always wanted to lose those extra 2 pounds to fit into our old pair of denim? Or how’d we always wanted to embrace our hobbies of reading, cooking or gardening? Or how’d we always wanted to spend some quality time with our family members? Or how’d we always wanted to start our venture, but couldn’t even find the time to plan out things for the same?

So, what is the wait for, ladies?

This is ‘THE’ time to do everything. We encourage you to follow your passion during this Quarantine period. Cause, maybe the superpower has given us the opportunity to invest some time on ourselves.

And as a platform where we ask women to pursue their passion and promote it as well, we ask you to follow each of the following steps to get your startup going soon after this COVID-19 Quarantine period gets over:

Scheme Your Finances:

Firstly, calculate your savings. Then, calculate the investment you would have to make in your business.

If the investment amount is more than your saving figure, you can conduct another research on how you could take loans from the banks for your business.

Remember, you can borrow your investment numeric from your husband or your parents too, but the business shall be your venture solely. Your business shall be your strength, not your weakness.

Define Your Objectives:

If you want to start your own venture, then you would need to determine your 6 months/ 1 year/ 5 years objectives quite meticulously. Whether it is a question about improving your sales or expanding your business or having a specific number of employees, all your goals shall be marked precisely, that too with proper time specifics.

How Would You Go About It

Are you going to purchase the land first? Or are you going to start

working from your own abode? Would the machinery be purchased first or would you make your digital marketing game a priority? You need to plan out everything. Whether it is the real-time world or whether it is the virtual one, you must manage to lay your best bets for your line of work.

Forecast all the Factors:

You must be very well aware of the recession that has hit the economy because of the Coronavirus pandemic. You shall, ergo, take into account all the factors in which your business would function eventually, whether: economical, environmental, political, technological or any other. You must develop the habit of thinking on your feet, lady!

Prepare Your ‘Plan B’

Business is all about taking risks. And by any chance, God forbid, your venture fails to soar high, you should already be prepared with your Plan B. You must, therefore, assort and organise your investments and insure yourself from any possible fall-outs.

Well, well, well!

Now, you must have a great lot of work to execute, right?

You strong-willed, incredible woman entrepreneur! Already liking the tone of it, right?
Well, that being the case, you must make sure to utilize your quarantine period over something productive.

Something for which you’ll remember your COVID-19 as maybe a buoyant or life-changing event!